ATON is a new fractional laser system that provides treatments to prevent and treat signs of skin aging. The laser offers non-ablative facial resurfacing. In addition to wrinkle correction, it can be used to treat acne scars, acne, sun spots, age spots, melasma, scars, stretch marks, and enlarged pores.
Contraindications to the treatment:
– skin healing disorders
– susceptibility to hypertrophic scars and keloids
– deeply tanned skin
– susceptibility to the formation of discoloration
– use of general retinoids (derivatives of vit. A, Aknenormin, Roaccutane, Izotek, Curacne, Axotret) and 6 months after the treatment is finished
– pregnancy and breastfeeding period
– medicines reducing blood coagulation (Aspirin, Acard, Polocard, Acenokumoral, Areplex, Zylt, Plavix, Aclotin and other anticoagulants)


PRX-T33 is a new technology of anti-aging procedures that guarantee an immediate lifting effect, brightening and smoothing of the skin. The treatment perfectly reduces atrophic scars, including acne scars. In order to increase the treatment’s intensification, after applying an appropriate number of layers of preparation, you can additionally perform the so-called microneedling, which consists of microinjecting the epidermis with a disposable cartridge equipped with several tiny needles. Growth factors released as a result of this procedure additionally enhance the anti-aging effect.


Microneedle therapy can be called a form of fractional mesotherapy performed with a specially designed device Nanopore Turbo-Roller, which through a system of needles administers active substances into the deepest layers of the epidermis or the dermis area. The fact that you can adjust the length of the needles and the speed of injections makes the Nanopore Turbo-Roller suitable for most skins. The device can be used to inject moisturizing, anti-aging, brightening, revitalizing preparations into the skin, and also selected peelings in order to intensify their effect. Microneedle therapy is extremely helpful in reducing scars and stretch marks thanks to initiating remodeling of connective tissue.


AZELAC AZ – trądzik różowaty, skóra trądzikowa/tłusta z tendencją do odwodnienia; redukcja pozapalnych plam pigmentacyjnych i melasmy
AZELAC RU – trądzik, trądzik osób dorosłych; skóra dojrzała, przetłuszczająca się z widocznymi przebarwieniami pozapalnymi
Azelac M – skóra tłusta, trądzikowa, przebarwienia pozapalne
AZELAC SYSTEM – peeling warstwowy, protokoły złożone dobrane indywidulanie dla każdego Pacjenta
ARGIPEEL – działanie regenerujące i odświeżające; idealny dla skóry odwodnionej, wrażliwej, pozbawionej blasku
ARGIPEEL Z WITAMINĄ C – peeling rozświetlający, odmładzający, skuteczna redukcja przebarwień dla skór wrażliwych; korekta pierwszych oznak starzenia
DNA RECOVERY PEEL – nasilone posłoneczne uszkodzenia skóry, regeneracja skóry starzejącej się
FERULAC PEEL CLASSIC – działanie antyoksydacyjne, szczególnie polecany dla osób z widocznymi oznakami fotostarzenia
FERULAC PLUS – skóra starzejąca się z widocznymi przebarwieniami posłonecznymi, poprawa napięcia i gęstości skóry
LACTIPEEL L – rogowacenie mieszkowe, skóra sucha, odwodniona, wrażliwa, starzejąca się
MANDELAC ŻEL – skóra mieszana, nadmierny łojotok; skuteczna likwidacja przebarwień różnego pochodzenia, doskonałe odświeżenie dla każdego typu skóry poprzez zastosowanie indywidualnie dobranych dodatków do peelingu
MANDELAC M – skóra tłusta, trądzikowa
MANDELAC T – redukcja przebarwień także w okolicach powiek
MELASPEEL J2 – redukcja posłonecznych plam pigmentacyjnych, melasmy; redukcja zmian potrądzikowych (blizny, przebarwienia), skóra łojotokowa
MELASPEEL R – redukcja przebarwień różnego pochodzenia
MELASPEEL G – skóra tłusta, trądzikowa, redukcja przebarwień potrądzikowych
PYRUVIC PEEL P – blizny, rozstępy, skóra z widocznymi oznakami starzenia
RETISES CT YELLOW PEEL – doskonałe działanie odmładzające, redukcja oznak starzenia zarówno endogennego, jak i egzogennego; przebarwienia
SALIPEEL LIC – trądzik, skóry łojotokowe z przebarwieniami pozapalnymi
PEELING GLIKOLOWY – skóra tłusta, trądzikowa, starzejąca się
PEELING KAWOWY (NOMELAN CAFEICO) – intensywna redukcja głęboko zlokalizowanych przebarwień
PROTOKOŁY PEELINGÓW ZŁOŻONYCH – Technika wykonania, ilość warstw oraz rodzaje zastosowanych preparatów podczas peelingu są dobierane indywidualnie dla skóry każdego Pacjenta. Złożone protokoły omawiane są przed rozpoczęciem zabiegu z Pacjentem.
YELLOW PEEL – peeling przeciwstarzeniowy, którego intensywność uzależniona jest od ilości zastosowanych warstw; ponadto redukuje blizny, przebarwienia, nadmierny łojotok
PYRUVIC PEELING – skóra tłusta, łojotokowa z bliznami potrądzikowymi; rozstępy, nadmierne rogowacenie
MANDEL PEEL P/S/T – kwas migdałowy z dodatkiem kwasu pirogronowego/kwasu salicylowego/ TCA
PEELING Alpha & Beta Complex Gel – skóra łojotokowa, gruba z widocznymi rozszerzonymi ujściami gruczołów łojowych
TCA CHELATOWE – technologia chelatacji zapewnia skuteczną redukcję blizn różnego pochodzenia przy ograniczonym, kontrolowanym działaniu kwasu trójchlorooctowego
EASY TCA PAIN CONTROL – intensywna redukcja blizn potrądzikowych, hiperpigmentacji


A treatment which effectively reduces hyperpigmentation of various etiologies. It consists of a special mask with depigmenting ingredients, which is left on the skin for an average of 4 to 10 hours and a daily care cream to maintain the effects of the first phase of treatment. Cosmelan visibly reduces hyperpigmentation located not only on the face, but also on the hands or back.


KSG Clinic offers you laser hair removal performed with FDA-certified medical laser Light Sheer Desire, which is currently described as one of the most effective systems of removing unwanted hair.


SHR (Super Hair Removal) is the newest method of hair removal using state-of-the-art photodepilation solutions.


The device combines RF (Radio Frequency) and IPL (Intense Pulse Light) technologies in one head. It has an in-built cooling system which makes the treatment comfortable for the Patient. Intense pulse light combined with radio waves makes it possible to use the device extensively in acne therapy (acne vulgaris, rosacea) to reduce hyperpigmentation, for hyper-reactive skin which is not vascularized deeply enough. Perfect for skin rejuvenation. High-energy therapy provides visible rejuvenation and improvement of skin tone on face, neck and neckline.


An innovative treatment intended for acne-susceptible skin, based on a combination of active ingredients activated with a beam of radiation emitted by IPL. Tryptophan, chlorophylin and riboflavin contained in the products used during the treatment help reduce excessive seborrhoea, decrease the visibility of dilated sebaceous glands, reduce inflammation and lighten post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. The effectiveness of the treatment is enhanced by retinol applied to the skin as the last step of the procedure.
It is recommended to perform a series of 3-5 treatments every 2-3 weeks.


Shockwave emits energy deep into the tissues, improving metabolism, blood circulation, oxygenation, and also supports their drainage. Thanks to using an appropriate head, the treatment can be performed in selected areas of the face or body. The treatment is painless.
The benefits of shockwave treatment:
– improvement of skin tone and elasticity
– improvement of facial oval
– reduction of wrinkles
– stem cell stimulation
– reduction of body circumference
– reduction of swelling and cellulite
– firm and smooth skin
The treatment takes about 30 minutes. Depending on the severity of cellulite, a series of at least 6 treatments should be performed. There is no age limit for shockwave therapy.


A slimming treatment that uses hydrodynamic technology and the activity of unique components which have a draining effect and accelerate the local metabolism (guarana, caffeine, xymenic acid, capsaicin, long pepper extract).
The procedure, which consists of a peeling, mask activated under vacuum conditions, and massage, allows for reduction of waist, hip and thigh circumference visible after the first treatment.


A professional treatment targeted at problems such as: cellulite, loss of tension, water stasis and swelling.
A firming, lifting and silhouette modeling treatment.
Duration: 1h
The benefits of treatment:
– supports lymphatic drainage and blood circulation,
– eliminates swelling,
– cleans the body from toxins,
– stimulates the process of breaking down triglycerides
– slimming effect


Lipocavitation is a non-invasive, painless method of reducing body fat around the thighs, buttocks, arms or hips.


Non-invasive lifting achieved by applying electromagnetic radiation of radio frequency (RF). The treatment leads to heating of the tissue, including collagen and elastin fibres. This causes them to tighten, which translates into a definite improvement in skin tension. Using a suitable head of the device allows to perform a thermolift of the eyelid.


The use of medium and high frequency ultrasound allows to insert active substances with special heads much deeper into the skin, compared to traditional cosmetic application. The administered preparations have moisturizing, soothing, anti-aging and brightening effects. Sonophoresis provides excellent, non-invasive care even for the sensitive skin around the eyes.


Oxygen infusion treatment is a real breakthrough in non-invasive skin care. It consists of spraying and injecting active ingredients into the skin using oxygen. The treatment is primarily dedicated to mature skin, which is flabby, devoid of radiance, dry, and not vascularized deeply enough. Selection of an appropriate preparation and parameters of the device make it possible to perform such treatment even on hypersensitive skin. Oxygen infusion is a painless treatment with high effectiveness. The effects like skin tension improvement, refreshment, brightening and hydration are visible immediately after the treatment.
Each treatment is complemented with a peeling and a care mask.
Suggested treatment cycle: 4-5 procedures performed every 2 weeks.


The combination of the ultrasonic wave with water molecules present on the skin surface triggers the so-called cavitation effect, i.e. the creation of small bubbles, which by rapidly collapsing contribute to the non-invasive removal of dead epidermal cells – corneocytes. The treatment allows thorough cleansing of even the most sensitive skin. It is a perfect introduction to further skin care procedures, including sonophoresis.


We offer cosmetic and skin care treatments for all skin types:
– regenerating for skins treated with isotretinoin
– moisturizing for dehydrated skin
– moisturizing and draining treatments for the eye area
– corrective anti-aging
– soothing treatments for sensitive skin
– treatments for skin with rosacea
– purifying treatments for problem skin


Superior Global Youth – intensive anti-aging treatment
Osmoclean – purifying and brightening treatment
Intensive Hyaluronic – moisturizing treatment
Intensive Spiruline – nourishing and detoxifying treatment
Intensive Vitamin C – brightening treatment which stimulates skin regeneration processes


Kobido massage is also known as a Japanese face lift without scalpel.
The massage includes the head, shoulders, face, neck and neckline.

It is a ONE-HOUR massage of the face, neck and neckline consisting of five stages:
– deep tissue massage,
– relaxation,
– cleansing,
– lifting,
– energization.
– induction into a state of relaxation,
– relieves muscle tension,
– alleviates the effects of bruxism,
– relieves headaches,
– prevents or reduces the effects of skin aging,
– stimulates cell metabolism,
– improves blood circulation,
– rejuvenates and renews radiance,
– firming and smoothing.


Relaxing massage of the face, neck, neckline and head. It soothes daily stresses, has a calming and anti-depressant effect and cares for the skin giving it a healthy and fresh look.


Delays skin aging processes, restores tension and elasticity of face muscular system. Additionally, it improves nutrition and effectiveness of aesthetic medicine treatments.


Special heads gently vacuums the skin and then cool the tissue to a specific temperature, so that unwanted fat cells are crystallized and thus permanently damaged, which translates into a reduction in the size of selected areas.

Various areas may be treated with cryolipolysis:

  • abdomen
  • thighs
  • love handles
  • arms
  • jawline


Multi-step treatment to reduce dark circles, puffiness and wrinkles provides excellent rejuvenating and illumination effects to the skin around the eyes.